Snake Science
About Snakes | Sankes in Maharashtra | First aid| Care to be taken | Awareness

About Snakes

Snake is one of the most important links of the ecosystem. It is the basis of conservation protection and research projects for nature. It is one of the most misunderstood creatures on earth. To clear the misconceptions regarding the snakes & avoid snakebites, some basic knowledge of snakes should be taken. It also holds good in case there is snakebite since first aid can be easily administered if the type of snake (poisonous/ non-poisonous) is known. Also it is very important for mountaineers to identify snakes.


Major snakes seen in Maharashtra are
  • Non-Poisonous
    1. Python (Azgar)
    2. Sand Boa (Durkya Ghonas)
    3. Earth boa (Mandol)
    4. Banded Racer (Dhoolnagin)
    5. Green Keel Back (Gavtya)
    6. Trinket (Taskar)
    7. Common Wolf Snake (Kavdya)
    8. Chequered (Divad)
    9. Bronze Back Treasuro (Snaka)
    10. Stripped Keelback (Janeti)
    11. Common Kukri Snake (Kukri)
    12. Rat Snake (Dhaman)
  • Semi-Poisonous
    1. Common Cat Snake (Manjrya)
    2. Wine or Whip Snake (Harantol)
  • Poisonous
    1. Cobra (Naag)
    2. Saw scaled Viper (Phurse)
    3. Krait’s Viper (Manyar)
    4. Russel’sViper (Ghonas)
    5. Bamboo Pit Viper (Chapda)


First aid in case of snakebite
  1. Move the patient to the nearest hospital to administer the anti-venom.
  2. A cloth should be wound between the heart and the bite area, take care it is not too loose or too tight.
  3. Do not cut the wound if you are not trained properly to do so.
  4. Clean the wound with any common antiseptic, but do not use potassium permanganate in any case.


Care to be taken to avoid snake or reptile bites
  1. While sleeping keep your shoes high above the ground.
  2. Throw away the leftovers. Leftovers attract rats, which in turn are followed by snakes.
  3. Snakes may reside in cracks in the rocks hence care should be taken.


Under the guidance of Shri Nikhilkumar Khaire of ‘Sarp Vidnyan Sanstha, Pune,’ many small & large activities are carried out for imparting knowledge regarding snakes in rural as well as urban areas.
